TMJ/TMD Dentistry


Dentistry in The Woodlands

Splint Therapy for Sufferers

Does your jaw click or pop when you move it? Do you grind your teeth, or wake up with unexplainable jaw pain? You may be suffering from temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. The temporomandibular joint connects your jaw to your skull, and damage to this area can result in acute localized pain.

Alleviate Pain and Get Relief. What Causes TMJ?

There is no single, determinate cause of TMJ disorders, other than some form of trauma to the joint. Science has shown that the condition is more common in women, though men can experience symptoms as well. The main sign of TMJ is limited jaw function along with pain, and for many patients the symptoms start without a distinct reason. For some patients, the pain may ease on its own as the trauma heals, but for those suffering from long-term TMJ disorder, relief can be welcoming.

of TMJ

Most patients experience muscle pain when they chew, though a number of symptoms can be linked to TMJ disorder. They include:

  • Stiffness in the muscles of the jaw
  • Limited jaw function or locking of the jaw
  • Painful clicking, popping, or grating of the jaw when moving your mouth
  • Changes in your bite
  • Radiating pain in your neck, jaw, and face

for TMJ

Dentists generally recommend an oral orthotic that stabilizes the joint. This appliance is worn at night, and fits over the upper and lower set of teeth. There is no direct cure for TMJ disorder, but stabilization splints can provide some relief.

If you’re experiencing painful TMJ symptoms, ask us how we can help.