Our bodies rely on the vitamins and minerals obtained through what we eat in order to function properly. Our mouth and teeth are no different. The truth is, in order to keep our oral health in good shape we need to make sure we’re getting enough of the right vitamins…. Read More…
It’s no secret that high stress can negatively affect our health. Prolonged periods of too much stress has been linked to heart disease, gastrointestinal problems, obesity, and difficulty in managing diabetes. But at our dental office in The Woodlands, we know that increased stress can also harm your oral health…. Read More…
Caring for your smile may seem as simple as brushing and flossing every day and visiting our dental office in The Woodlands twice a year. While those things are certainly important for oral health, there are some common misconceptions out there that, if followed, can either damage your smile or… Read More…
There are an estimated 3 million canker sore cases a year. But knowing that these annoying and painful sores affect nearly everyone doesn’t necessarily make them any easier to tolerate when they happen to you. At our dental office in The Woodlands, we understand that canker sores are uncomfortable and… Read More…
Even though acid reflux is a condition that originates in the stomach, it can affect other areas of the body, including the mouth. The truth is, people who suffer from acid reflux can be at greater risk for oral health concerns than those who don’t. Our dental office in The… Read More…
November is recognized as National Diabetes Awareness Month and serves to raise awareness of diabetes, other health problems associated with the disease, and the importance of regulation. In fact, one of the little-known facts about diabetes is that it directly relates to oral health. Our dental office in The Woodlands… Read More…
When it comes to candy-filled holidays like Halloween, we usually caution our patients to enjoy sweet snacks and candy in moderation. And with good reason. It should come as no surprise that sugar is one of those things that concerns the team at our dental office in The Woodlands. After… Read More…
Gum may be your go-to fix to temporarily get rid of bad breath. Or maybe you just like to chew gum and there’s always a pack nearby. But is this sweet treat good for your teeth and overall oral health? Our dental office in The Woodlands has the answer. Gum… Read More…
Nobody ever wants to experience the pain and discomfort of a toothache. But the truth is, toothaches can happen to anyone, and they can come without warning. While the best way to treat a toothache is to see your dentist in The Woodlands as quickly as you can, there are… Read More…
The team at our dental office in The Woodlands is pretty sure that the last thing on your mind when you’re enjoying food at a Labor Day picnic is your oral health. However, we can’t help ourselves when it comes to protecting our patients’ smiles. So in preparation for this… Read More…
Dental fillings are an incredibly common type of dental restoration used to treat cavities and decay. In fact, nearly 91% of Americans between 20 and 64 have at least one dental filling. While dental fillings are strong and can last for many, many years, there are still some things that… Read More…
We know that the paperwork you’re required to fill out when you visit a new healthcare provider can be a hassle. We also understand that it may be tempting to rush through these forms. However, there’s a reason all of your doctors, including your dentist in The Woodlands, ask for… Read More…
We all know that we need to brush our teeth everyday to maintain a healthy mouth and smile. But choosing the right tool for the job can be confusing. The hardest choice we used to have was picking the best color. Now we’re bombarded with tons of options ranging from… Read More…
Our Woodlands dental office cares for patients throughout all stages of life and understands that patients of different ages have different needs. We also want our patients to know that oral health risks change with every birthday. Today, we focus on those risks that can affect the senior population. Discolored… Read More…
June is recognized as National Migraine and Headache Awareness Month and serves to not only educate the population on this debilitating illness, but also to increase funding to advance migraine research and treatment options. While numerous causes can be to blame, our dental office in The Woodlands wants to take… Read More…
It’s well known that asthma causes a narrowing of the airways, reduces oxygen flow, and makes it difficult to breathe. It’s a chronic, scary disease that affects the lungs and entire respiratory system. But can it be true that asthma may also affect dental health? The team at our dental… Read More…
May is the month when we take a Sunday to thank our moms for all that they do for us. At our dental office in The Woodlands, we want to take the whole month and dedicate it to the women of our practice and our community by talking a bit… Read More…
Each April, several dental associations join together to sponsor National Facial Protection Month. The goal is to raise awareness on the importance of wearing a mouthguard while participating in sports. As the weather warms up and more and more people start playing sports, its timing couldn’t be better. At our… Read More…
April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month, and all month long is dedicated to educating the public on the seriousness of the disease. At our dental office in The Woodlands, we’d like to help our community by discussing some current oral cancer statistics, sharing the most common symptoms, and talking about… Read More…